Monday, October 30, 2006

Nothing fun to blog for a while.

So I have some rather upsetting and very sad news. Rob and I have separated. We both decided that our marriage is not working and it's better to go our separate ways. We do not hate eachother and are onspeaking terms, but none the less it still hurts the same. My family has been very supportive and I thank them for that, there is still a lot to settle, and so your prayers would be greatly appreciated.


Anonymous said...

I feel very badly for you Lisa and hope that the pain will go away as time heals the wounds in our lives. Take care my friend.

Danna said...

You and Rob are in my prayers and I hope that everything works out for the best.

heidi said...


I am so sorry to hear this. I'll be praying for both of you & that God's peace and comfort will flood your life right now. He has such good plans for you!

with love,

Sara said...

I'm here for you babe. Sorry to hear the news. Love you, Sara

Danna said...

Hey what's up?