Friday, August 25, 2006

A Wickedly Awesome Time!

So I should be going to bed seeing as I'm exhausted, but I've just had such a wonderfully fun day that I wanted to write about it before the excitement wore off. I went to the PNE today with a friend from work, Patricia. Now, I may know what you're thinking, the PNE? We've all been there, what's so great about it? Well it was different for me because I wasn't going to Playland, only the PNE so it was like I was discovering a whole new world. We had list of the Top Ten Things to do at the PNE, so we knew what we wanted to do, so when we got there around 11am, we looked at the schedule of events and decided where to go. The first things we did was to see the Superdog show, I'm not a big dog lover, but this show was so cool! They had at least 15 dogs who raced around an obstacle course and did a dancing concert and caught frisbees, I yelled so much and so loud that I'm sure I'm going to wake up with no voice tomorrow. It was such a blast! I highly recommend it! After that we went to the Motocross show, those guys are amazing with what they can do on those motorcycles, the flips and the tricks, they go up a ramp, fly 30 feet in the air and while in the air they perform very dangerous tricks, either doing a handstand on the bike or putting their legs over the handle bars, it's crazy! Definetly a heartattack in waiting for us nurses as I can only imagine what would happen if something went wrong, but none the less they are very talented and entertaining. We then saw the Sand Castle sculptures, the pig and duck races, went shopping in the marketplace, did a tour of the prize home, bought tickets for the prize home and saw two horse races at Hastings Race Track. Besides the dog show being a highlight, the most fun thing we did was take a virtual tour with the Snowbirds. We happened to find a simulator and decided to go on it, well, we had so much fun and laughed so hard, it was great! We sat in the back row and were the only two in there, it really felt like we were flying, we did twists and spins and rollovers and went upside down, so cool! The was the best thing because we just happened to find it and it turned out to be the highlight of our day! I've never had so much fun and been so excited and it was just a wickedly awesome time! Plus we ate all the amazing food, elephant ears, funnel cakes, BBQ chicken, mini donuts, donairs, all very yummy!


Danna said...

I'm glad that you got a chance to go the PNE and have such a great time! I hope you actually fell a sleep after that.
Danna---BTW, did I send you my new blog site?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lisa. I'm having a great time with Aunt Marge this weekend. Lots of laughs--like you at the PNE. Talk to you soon. Love Mom

Bonnie said...

I never knew there was so much to do at the PNE. Sounds like a blast!

Sara said...

Sounds awesome!! I know how much you love the PNE/Playland so I'm really glad you got to go! Please EMAIL ME BACK!! I want to know when we can make a cake!

Miss you,

lil said...

For us 'gringos', can you explain WHAT the PNE is? I know, but those of us far away from Vancouver, and even BC, won't know what it means.
So glad you had such a good time! Was fun to read your blog. =)